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is a Sanskrit word that means "association with Truth." It is usually a gathering of those seeking the ultimate Truth and a teacher who has realized what "Truth is" and what "Truth is not." The words and grace the teacher provides during satsang enables seekers to discover what is Truth within themselves. This discovery is called a "Spiritual Awakening," and is the beginning of a clearing process which eventually leads to the full liberation that is "Enlightenment."
Aruna offers satsang in English with Japanese interpretation twice each month on Zoom at 10:30 am Japanese Standard Time. See registration information below photo.

"I used to think that those who are Awakened or Enlightened are special people, different from the rest of us. I had both the desire to become special, and the fear of becoming arrogant if I did.


Before attending satsang I questioned why I had been born, and was looking for something to relieve an inner discomfort, but did not know what I was looking for.


By listening to Aruna and others who spoke in satsang, my conditioning and long held misconceptions have gradually dissolved.


I have come to realize that Awakening and Enlightenment are not personal and they do not make you special or arrogant. They are about being in the here and now."


In gratitude,


Shoko A., Kyoto Japan

Future Online Satsangs (2024):

                Sunday, May 26, 10:30 am JST

                Sunday, June 9, 10:30 am JST

                Sunday, June 23, 10:30 am JST.

                Sunday, July 7, 10:30 am JST.

To register:

Japanese, go to

English, send email to and make donation to same email address on

​© 2017 Aruna Byers, Awakening Coach


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