English follows:
覚醒を個人的なものとして捉えないでください! エゴマインドが今までの人生や自らの身体こそが自分だと信じていたとしても、それは何も関係がないことです。スピリチュアルな覚醒とは架空のストーリーである“私”が、真の“あなた”ではないと気づくことです。あなたのマインドが持つ“私”についての信念、そして覚醒についての考えは、これまでもそしてこれからも真実ではありません。
“あなた”は存在するのでしょうか? 確かにあなたは存在します、そしてその自分が存在するという感覚は、物理的な体の中で感じられるでしょう。しかし、体が経験することはあなたの真実の全てではありません。それはただ単に本当の“あなた”のほんの一部であり、全ての存在を創造しているダイナミックで広大な本当の“あなた”ではありません。
人は幼い頃から「あなたはこれこれこういう人なのよ」と言われて育ちます。マインドはその言葉を真実だと捉え、間違った思い込みによって作られた信念から重要な選択や決断をしていきます。“目覚める”ということはあなたのマインドの信念が常に誤った幻想の考えであったと気づくことです・・・以前はそれを真実だと思っていたかもしれませんが。瞬間的な真実の体験がしばしば私たちの気づきになるように、人間としての経験がデザインされていますが、その体験から全てを完全に“わかる”人はまれです。どうしてそうなるのでしょうか? それは偽りのストーリーを生涯にわたって作り続ける人間のマインドが、真実の体験をする前と同じようにコントロールをし続けようとするからです・・・覚醒の体験がどんなにパワフルであったとしても。覚醒という新たなストーリーも加わったことで、エゴマインドはさらに誤った“真実”を立証し続けます。
Don’t take an awakening personally! It isn’t personal . . . in fact it has nothing to do with the “you” that believes itself to be a specific body or claims to own the history of a particular body. A Spiritual Awakening is the realization that this fictitious story of an “I” is NOT about “you.” Your mind’s beliefs about an “I” have been and always will be inaccurate . . . including any belief about being Awake.
Do “you” exist? Yes you do, and feelings that relate to this existence can be experienced within a physical body. But what the body is experiencing is not the full reality of you. It is merely a microcosm of the totality of who you are . . . a diminished version of “you” . . . instead of the unlimited “real you” — the dynamic expansive consciousness which gives existence to all of creation.
Sleep of Ignorance Begins and Continues
Each body is told from childhood “You are this, you are that.” The body’s mind accepts these statements as facts, and all individual choices and decisions for the remainder of a lifetime evolve from the beliefs formed around these erroneous attributes. To “wake up” is to discover that all your mind’s beliefs are, and always have been, false illusory concepts . . . not the factual truths we have supposed them to be. Human experience is designed so that a momentary taste of reality can, and frequently does come into our awareness, but very few of us ever totally “get it.” Why is this so? Because the human mind (which constructed the story and continues to manage it throughout our lives), is invested in remaining as pretentious and in control as it was before that glimpse of Truth . . . no matter how powerful that awakening moment happens to be. Due in part to the momentum caused by repeating over and over, the false story (which now includes its version of the awakening) the ego-mind will continue to substantiate even more false “facts.” One of the first new deceptions it makes after an awakening is the claim “I Am Awake.”
Because it is not possible for the “personal story I” to fully know and understand the ultimate Truth, it will continue to refer to the body and all of the body’s experiences as though they are its only reality. At the moment of an Awakening, the recognition that the “I” is just a false concept and has never actually existed should be enough to signal the end of any and all such claims, but the ego persists with the ruse in spite of its having been found out. A curious situation when you consider it, but dealing with this belligerence is what actually deepens your Awakening into emptiness.
Inconceivable Essence?
Unlimited consciousness, which truly IS “you,” knows that the body’s physical experiences have nothing to do with reality. But egos don’t have room for the prospect of pure consciousness . . . “I” . . . because THAT consciousness appears to be so much more vast and more mysterious than what ego perceives the personal story “I” to be. Each of us has been programmed to believe that unlimited consciousness . . . our real essence . . is, by way of a fictitious and deceptive comparison, “bigger,” “greater,” “more holy” than any level of being any one of us is capable of . . . and for this reason we call IT God, Allah, or some other name which puts IT into a “higher,” more elevated category than any one of us. The ego-mind . . . always judging itself to be smaller and separate from this vast, indescribable energy . . . prays to it, asks it for help and guidance, and pretends to recognize and understand Truth . . . even after the body has had a direct experience of IT! But the ego-mind cannot, and will not know IT as the source of its true identity as long as it hangs on to the imaginary identity it created. This false identity must completely dissolve into the One True consciousness in order for your True Self to be fully present. This level of awakened awareness is characterized by a total lack of identification with a “personal story” . . . so if you are still talking about yourself (or your body) as a separate individual, you still have not fully “got it.”