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Writer's pictureAruna Byers

Who Surrenders? 誰がゆだねるの?

English follows:





























マインドは他からのどんな説明も謝罪も必要としていません。 抵抗するエゴがなくなるまで、それは与えられたどんな状況においても、ただそのポジションを明け渡す必要があるだけです。

















Who Surrenders?

In pointing the way to letting go of what is false, I sometimes use the phrase “observe your thoughts and physical reactions, then surrender completely to what is.” This statement has created some confusion in the minds of some of my listeners, so I will use this blog to clarify.

When a Spiritual Awakening occurs, there has been a realization that the individual identity we call “I” or “me” is a false concept about who we actually are. What has been realized is that there is no reality to our familiar self concept, the separate “I.” The discovery is accurate, but now this new Truth must be applied to the physical life of the body that has realized it.

In this daily movie we play out, and have been scripted together in, our bodies are still required to maintain the pretense of a personal “I” . . . even after the spiritual awakening. Because each cast member continues to play the role of an “individual,” those of us who have Awakened must now do so without identifying with this role, as we did prior to Awaking. As with all the actors we see on a movie screen, our “reality as human being” is not the same “persona” as the character we temporarily portray, and we are becoming well aware of this significant difference.

To get “into character” an actor must take on certain traits and behaviors, and play the role as if everything happening in the script is real. Reactions and responses the character expresses must be appropriate to the circumstances happening in the story, i.e. if the character is being taunted and tormented in the movie, the response must be appropriate to this kind of treatment.

In our daily lives prior to an Awakening, our physical bodies were identified with the roles they were playing, and so, some momentum is there to continue that identification until the beliefs and attitudes these roles included has been eliminated during the “deepening” process. It is that part of “I” which must continually surrender to “what is” instead of holding on to its scripted, pre-awakened view of the world. Each and every occasion of surrendering dissolves another piece of ego’s dualistic, scripted view of the world.

How deepening proceeds

Self-observation by the True Self recognizes the attitudes, beliefs and reactions still residing in the body and/or unconscious mind, as they arise. Facing whatever shows up is what allows a trapped emotion or attitude to unwind itself during a moment of awareness. Each time this is done, a piece of ego’s story dissolves, and your life becomes energized with Truth.

Two examples from my experience:

First: Prior to awakening my personal history included a pattern of betrayals from people I felt close to, and whenever it happened I considered myself a victim. These betrayals continued to happen long after my awakening. Even though I had a clearer understanding of what was happening this body still went into reaction, trapped in this interplay of all the emotions associated with being a victim. Eventually, as awareness continued to deal with them, it no longer got caught up in the victim scenario. Each story could now be seen as “me doing this to me,” an opportunity to dive in and feel emotions which had been trapped in the body because I had avoided the full experience and its completion. By allowing them to be felt and released instead of protesting, attacking, or even calling-out my betrayers, I was able to “surrender,” which is characterized by relaxing into the feelings, accepting the circumstances, and returning to inner stillness which is always present and available when thoughts about the story are being ignored.

That which surrenders is the “I” that still resists and is in reaction to life’s circumstances. As the deepening process proceeds, whatever remains of this “I” is surrendering to the Truth of the situation. This is not a mental process. The mind does not need any explanations or apologies from “others,” it just needs to let go of its position about any given situation; until no resistive ego-mind is left.

Second: As a result of a car accident and a physical reaction to some over-the-counter pain medication, it became obvious that this body had to go to the hospital. What remained of ego strongly resisted the “hospital scenario,” with a long list of reasons not to go, and a lot of emotional reactions when it appeared unavoidable. I knew that these remnants of “I” were being brought into awareness to be dealt with and released, but that didn’t make the physical or emotional pain any easier to deal with. This incident was a very big deepening opportunity, as it allowed for many unconscious programs to be triggered and released. My (ego’s) alternative would have been to remain positioned in those negative attitudes against the medical establishment, thereby reasserting the attitude “of against” in my ongoing personal story.

Even though you have realized the fiction of ego’s existence, the beliefs and attitudes of that ego story remain in the body and unconscious mind until it has been brought to awareness, dealt with and released. So don’t get caught in a belief that your initial awakening has completely dissolved every bit of ego. That is a physical impossibility.

The “you” that realized the falseness of ego is none other than True Self. True Self is not an eraser of the false self, just a witness of it. The character being played by the false self must still be brought into True Self awareness . . . and surrendered to by the false self . . . over and over again, until it is fully released. All the bits and pieces of the false story must be gone for full enlightenment to be established and stabilized. This is an ongoing process, which can take the remainder of a body’s lifetime. Enjoy the game. Recognizing and releasing what does not fit with Truth is more fun than any worldly experience your ego might invent to occupy your time and attention; and your next “lifetime” would still have the necessity of this “emptying game” left to play anyway. A human life without fear, one guided by Truth, is far more enjoyable and rewarding.

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