Aruna’s blog Sept. 2015
English follows:
日本を拠点にしているアドヴァイタの教師は、この身体ひとつだけのようで、そのためか、ラマナ・マハリシと比べられたり、彼の教えについて質問されることがよくあります。確かに、自身の覚醒と覚醒のディープニング(深めていくこと)において、ラマナ・マハリシの問いかけのプロセス(Self-Inquiry)を使い、その効果に浴しました。しかし、私は彼の教えを学んでいません。まして、彼の教えに通じているなどと言ったことは一度もありません。直接的に、私自身の覚醒を助ける教師となってくれた方の名前をあげるなら、H.W.L. プンジャ(パパジ)と、その弟子ガンガジです。二人はともに真我を体現するアドヴァイタの教師ですが、二人のスタイルも、そのテーマに対するアプローチも、同じではなく独自のものです。それは、私自身の伝え方についても言えることです。目覚めた教師という点では共通しているのに、なぜそんなにも明らかな違いがあるのでしょう。
Since this body seems to be the only Advaita teacher based in Japan, I am often being compared to Ramana Maharshi or asked about his teachings. Although I effectively used his Self-Inquiry process in my own Awakening and deepening, I neither studied his teachings, nor claim any expertise in them. The teachers who supported my Awakening in a direct way were H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) and his student Gangaji. Ramana, Papaji and Gangaji are all Self-realized Advaita teachers, yet each of them had their own unique style and approach to the subject. The same applies to the way I teach. Why the apparent variation from one awakened teacher to another?
Because none of these forms is the actual teacher, even though it appears that way to anyone perceiving the world through the dualistic illusion. Each of the familiar forms named above has realized that their true identity is not the name and form that others perceive. They know that who they really are is consciousness itself, the same consciousness that expresses through each and every one of its creations in a unique way. Just as appearances differ, so too does the delivery of spiritual teachings. This diversity of appearance and expression is what maintains the illusion of separateness — but it is that diversity which provides each open and receptive student, a teacher (and teaching), with whom they can relate and receive the message. Finding an authentic teacher that presents the Awakening message in a way you can receive it might require several tryouts, but once you find the one for you, stick with them until the job is done. Even though all authentic Awakening teachings lead to the same destination, they will differ in approach, but please note that switching from one to another can cause confusion and be a distraction from the Awakening process.
Because Papaji was my teacher and his teacher was Ramana Maharshi, it seems natural for those who have not yet awakened to assume that I would be quoting my predecessors; yet this is not the case because I am not the source of what comes out of my mouth, just as Papaji and Ramana were not the actual source of anything they said. In reality there is no Papaji, Ramana, Gangaji, Aruna (or YOU for that matter). Each human form that brings forth the Advaita teachings is a vessel for the ONE consciousness to express itself through; it is the same consciousness that seeks these teachings through those not yet awakened. In reality, the same consciousness teaches and studies its own teachings. It does so to Awaken itself in all of its various forms.
Realizing that is why most who Awaken do so with laughter. They have discovered the cosmic joke.
Once Awakened, and after ego-mind’s personal identity is no longer confusing reality with illusion, it becomes easy for consciousness to proceed. As I have mentioned, awakening reveals that in reality there is No Ramana, No Papaji, No me and No you. The consciousness that exists within you will be fully capable of understanding this Truth when this realization has deepened into a quiet mind and open heart; which is done by casting off all of ego’s beliefs, attitudes and concepts that are contrary to this Truth. Only then is pure consciousness FREE to authentically express itSelf and lead its other creations to the same degree of authenticity.
An authentic teacher will tell you: don’t idolize or hold any form to be the only and ultimate purveyor of truth, as consciousness is not limited to any one form. Consciousness includes ALL forms, and expresses through each one of them in a way that includes any and every given body’s personal experiences. An authentic Awakened teacher will not be quoting other teachers, as he or she knows that what freely flows through their form is pure consciousness, not anything the ego-mind could possibly evaluate or improve upon. Such a teacher will remain quiet, empty and aware, while consciousness delivers whatever message those listening need to hear.
This is precisely why you must be supported by an authentic, LIVING, Awakened teacher.