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Deepening an Awakening, B. E. F. 覚醒のディープニングをBEFで

Writer's picture: Aruna ByersAruna Byers

The Best, Easiest and Fastest way. B.E.F.つまり最善、容易、最速の道。

by Aruna

English follows:







P. D. オスペンスキーとその最も熱心な弟子たちが西洋にもたらした非二元のエニアグラムは、私たちが、偽りの人格や未熟な人間性によって、いかに真実から引き離されているかを明らかにしてきました。いったんそこに気づいたなら、そこからまたワンネスへの回帰の方向をたどることができます。皆さんの霊的覚醒は、その気づきと再構築のプロセスのこの上もなく重要な始まりなのです。

従来の三つの道 + もう一つの道






The Best, Easiest and Fastest way.

Realizing the Truth of who you are is just the beginning of a process that will take you to a quiet mind, inner knowing, joy and peace, and the ability to live life as your True Self—as long as you don’t re-identify with your false personality. This new awareness must be expanded until all of your mind’s delusions and its ongoing narrative about them have been eliminated. The realization that your body and its history are not you is not liberation.

True Self and False self are both present in the newly Awakened, and following an awakening the False self (ego-mind) will do everything it can to muster all those old familiar illusions, to regain control of the body’s governance and behavior. To prevent this we must practice non-judgmental self-observation. This is where you, True Self, act as a silent witness, watching the ebb and flow of the ego-mind’s thoughts and behaviors (similar to the Buddhist practice of mindfulness), until every aspect of the false self is recognized and released. This witnessing practice is what facilitates the next phase of liberation, because it enables you to replace the habitual decisions and instant reactions produced by the pre-Awakened “old brain,” with the awakening activated components of a “new forebrain,” namely: conscious thought and higher reason. Everyone has these capabilities but they lie dormant until we activate them.

The substantial shift that happens in a spiritual awakening begins to employ this mostly unused part of the forebrain. This is what allows True Nature to advance a higher quotient of love and divine wisdom into the physical world. But some “housecleaning” must take place first.

House Cleaning—Room for the New

Recognizing what is untrue, and interrupting the programmed responses that flow from our false notions, requires vigilance, because life is about to bring you an abundance of opportunities to do so. Everything you ever judged or resisted is about to show up in your life so it can be purged. Some spiritual adepts, like Ramana Maharshi, go through this transition by withdrawing from the world and fully immersing themselves in the silent Self. But those of us who live ordinary lives must do it in a different way, a way that leads to the same result without the isolation of a monastery or cave.

Being in the world increases the frequency and complexity of these occasions to leave the ego-personality behind. That’s what speeds up this emptying process considerably. But, because of these intensified opportunities, some very specific help and support from the wisdom of authentic awakened teachers is important. The tool that ranks highest on my list as a successful strategy for implementing this “house cleaning” is the Enneagram, when used in its originally intended non-dual context. For openers this multi-faceted, extremely comprehensive tool provides us with a layout of our own particular false identity, enabling us to recognize and release that false identity as we continue to do our work in the world and care for our families.

The non-dual Enneagram, as it has been brought to the west by P. D. Ouspensky and his most committed students, reveals how the distortions of our false personality and undeveloped human nature separate us from TRUTH; once we have a grasp of that, it then points us back towards Oneness. Your spiritual awakening is just the all important beginning of this recognition and reassembling process.

Three Traditional Paths + One

My approach to using the personality discovery part of the Enneagram is neither about categorizing and giving anyone a label, nor an intellectual exercise that keeps us in the mind. Unlike the three traditional paths of mind (study of scriptures), body (yoga) or heart (path of devotion), which all require a committed withdrawal from the world, there is a fourth way. This fourth way is a combination of key elements of the other three, while remaining in the world. The non-duel fourth way has evolved for those of us in modern times who have chosen to maintain a family, a job, monthly bills, etc. Most seekers of Truth are unaware of this very significant use of the Enneagram because the majority of Enneagram students and teachers have not yet Awakened.

At the personality level of information, the Enneagram is a simple and direct tool for eliminating the influence of the false self—exactly what is needed to solidify and deepen an Awakening. The Enneagram is the perfect tool for those who are committed to advancing their awakened awareness into emptiness, because it is so accurate about the operative characteristics of the false personality.

The feature I emphasize: showing you who you are NOT, (you could waste a lot of time without the benefit of such a user-friendly tool).

With self-observation you can begin using this tool as soon as you have correctly identified your personality type. Think of the Enneagram as a good friend, willing to reveal to you uncomfortable things about yourself you can change, in order to have a more successful and happy life. Caution though, you must know your correct type in order to proceed. Even if you have read numerous Enneagram books and taken assessment tests, most people need someone extremely good at helping people to confirm their type. A strong probability of mistyping yourself exists, simply because the ego-mind is heavily invested in keeping this information hidden from your conscious awareness.


​© 2017 Aruna Byers, Awakening Coach


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